Key Classes

Integrating basic beliefs into everyday life

The Acts Institute offers 5 Key Classes to further prepare disciples to know Him and make Him known. These classes are designed with FBC members in mind, but they are open to everyone who seeks to be further prepared.

We also offer a rotation of electives that are designed to meet unique needs within the body.

Do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewal of your mind, that by testing your may discern what is the will of God, what is good and acceptable and perfect.
Romans 12:2


Christian Story I will explore the Old Testament while Christian Story II will explore the New Testament. Both courses will explore the history, validity, and truth of scripture while helping you integrate a better understanding of God’s word into your life as a disciple


Christian Belief I & II will cover the basic doctrines of Christians. These courses are designed for disciples to learn and apply the confessions of Christians.


Christian Formation is designed as a foundation for knowing Christ and making Him known. This class will explore not only what spiritual disciplines are and how they are done, but it will guide you as a disciple to pass spiritual disciplines on to the next generation of disciples.


Christian Missions will explore the biblical nature of missions, history of missions, and the local application of missions.

Spring 2022 Key Classes

Each class runs 8-11 weeks and will require 1-2 hours of homework per week.

Registration will open October 24th, 2021. 

Questions?           Register: Click Here!

Contact us

Christian Belief I

Sundays, January 23-March 13
Instructor: Dusty Lindsey

Christian Story II

Sundays, January 23-March 13
Instructor: Wes Akers

Spring 2022 Electives

Each class runs 8-11 weeks and will require 1-2 hours of homework per week.

Registration will open October 24th, 2021. 

Questions?          Register: Click Here!

Contact us


Sundays, January 23-March 13
Instructor: TBA

Christian Theology for Women: Doctrine of God

Sundays, January 23 – March 13
Instructor: Debbie Swindell

Knowing the Bible for Women: Philippians II

Wednesdays, TBD
Instructor: Debbie Swindell